How To Delete Group You Created On Facebook
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This wikiHow teaches you how to delete a Facebook group that you created. In order to do this, you'll first have to remove every member in the group individually, then remove yourself to completely delete the group.
Open Facebook. It's a dark-blue app with a white "f" on it. This will open your Facebook News Feed if you're already logged into Facebook on your phone or tablet.
- If you aren't logged into Facebook, enter your email address (or phone number) and password to continue.
Tap ☰ . It's in either the bottom-right corner of the screen (iPhone) or the top-right corner of the screen (Android).
Tap Groups . This option is near the middle of the pop-out menu.
Tap your group's name. You may have to scroll down to find it.
Tap Info . It's in the upper-right side of the page options, just below your group's cover photo.
Tap Members . This option is in the middle of the page.
Remove each group member. Make sure you don't remove yourself during this process. To do so:
- Tap a member's name.
- Tap Remove Member.
Tap your own name. Once you've removed everyone else from the group, you can leave the group to close it.
Tap Leave Group . It's at the bottom of the drop-down menu.
Tap Leave Group when prompted. This will both remove you from the group and delete the group itself.
- It will take a few seconds for your name to disappear from the members list, and you may have to wait for a few minutes before the group disappears.
Go to Facebook's website. Do so by entering into your browser's URL box. This will load your News Feed if you're already logged into Facebook.
- If you aren't already logged into Facebook, enter your email address (or phone number) and password before continuing.
Click your group's name. You'll usually find it near the top of the left-hand column of options in the News Feed.
- If you can't find your group, click ▼ in the top-right corner, click New Groups, click the Groups tab in the top-left corner, and click your group's name under the "Groups You Manage" heading.
Click Members . This tab is in the upper-left side of the page. Doing so will pull up a list of all people in the group.
Remove each group member from the group. Make sure you don't remove yourself during this process. To do so:
- Click ⚙️ to the right of a member's name.
- Click Remove from Group.
- Click Confirm when prompted.
Click ⚙️ next to your name. Once everyone except you is gone from the group, click this gear icon to prompt your own drop-down menu.
Click Leave Group . This will invoke a pop-up window.
Click Leave and Delete when prompted. It's the blue button in the pop-up window. Doing so immediately removes you from the group and deletes the group itself.
Add New Question
Why am I still getting emails from groups that I have deleted?
If you have Gmail, you can press the blue unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email that says "If you don't want to receive these emails from Facebook in the future, please unsubscribe."
How do I delete a Facebookgroup when there are no other members to take it on as administrator?
If you are the administrator and you are the only member of the group, just remove yourself from it. You will be asked if you're sure about it and that removing the last member will delete the group.
I accidentally removed myself as the admin of a group. The admin I invited has forgotten his password, so neither of us can access the group. How can I delete a group I created?
You will need to have a member of the group add you back to the group and then assign you as an admin of the group. If no members remain in the group, your group is already deleted. A Facebook group is deleted when it has no members. You have to remove all members to delete a group.
How do I delete a group if I removed myself from administrator and have already removed the only member I added?
The group is deleted when it has no members. If there is anyone else in the group, ask them to remove themselves, and any other members they may have added. Then, the group will automatically be deleted.
How do I delete a group when I don't have a "members" tab?
Click the "gear" icon under each member's name, and then select "Remove From Group." Repeat the process until all the members are removed from the group. Remove yourself last; otherwise, you'll be back to where you started. When you remove yourself, click the "Delete Group" button to close the group.
If I begin removing members of a Facebook group one by one, do they receive notifications that I have removed them?
Yes. They will get a notification if you remove them.
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To leave a group you didn't create, simply open the members page, find your name and select it, and select the Leave Group option.
Each member must be individually removed; there's no mass removal option available. If it's a large group, set aside some time to go through the names.
Merely leaving a group for which you are the only admin will not delete the group. The group will remain in effect, and admin positions will be offered to current group members.
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Article SummaryX
1. Open Facebook on your phone or tablet.
2. Tap ≡.
3. Tap Groups.
4. Select your group.
5. Tap Info.
6. Tap Members.
7. Remove all members.
8. Tap your own name.
9. Tap Leave Group.
10. Tap Leave Group.
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How To Delete Group You Created On Facebook
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