
How To Fix Cannot Create Apple Id

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The last couple of times I've tried creating Apple IDs I've been denied...

                    Your request could not be completed at this time. Your account cannot be created at this time.                  

I'm going to with a web browser, populate the user details (name, email, password, phone number, etc.), fill in the random code at the bottom and when I hit Continue I get the error instantly.  I've tried it in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, as well as in private windows to eliminate possible browser cache issues.

Apple support chat provided no useful information other than to recommend I use the iTunes program to create the account.

I am not going to create the account directly on the phone, we have enough employee turnover that the phone will convert to a brick due to too many account creations.

There was something that changed recently:  I installed a new Sophos XG firewall.  I doubt this is related, but it is something that changed in about the right time frame.

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14 Replies


Teather you system to your mobile and try it. Will at least tell you if the problem is with your local internet/network.

Alex Lam
Alex Lam This person is a Verified Professional
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Apr 22, 2021 at 00:04 UTC

It's not uncommon for a firewall's content filtering to block access to iTunes services. Check the Sophos log and filter by the IP address of the PC you attempted to create the Apple ID and see if it was blocked.


Can you take a laptop off prem and try it?

chris-fr39 This person is a Verified Professional
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Apr 22, 2021 at 18:09 UTC

Are you creating several accounts?
Apple is blocking your public IP after, I think it's five accounts, for further account creation.
If you need to create many than you can ask Apple for unblock your address for some time (we got 4 weeks to create our accounts).

AdmiralKirk This person is a Verified Professional
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Apr 22, 2021 at 18:40 UTC

Want more complexity?  I opened my Windows iTunes program and was able to create an Apple ID from there.  Same laptop, same internet connection, just via a different program.

I create Apple IDs at the rate of ~1 per week, and have been doing so since the iPhone 4 was the flagship model.  If Apple has changed something that will impact our ability to actually use their phones then it will be really inconvenient for us.
I did run a packet capture of the attempt via web browser, but I'm at a bit of a loss figuring out how to interpret it.  When I get a chance (hopefully later today) I will try the out-of-band approach and let everyone know.  If going out-of-band works then we will have successfully narrowed down the problem.
chris-fr39 This person is a Verified Professional
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Apr 23, 2021 at 17:43 UTC

We always used Windows iTunes. We had a automation program to create the accounts. 30 / day with special approval from Apple.
Gonna be interesting what you find out 😊

AdmiralKirk This person is a Verified Professional
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Apr 24, 2021 at 15:59 UTC

You had to get special concessions from Apple to be able to do that? How does that happen?

chris-fr39 This person is a Verified Professional
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Apr 24, 2021 at 16:20 UTC

We had a contact person for any questions concerning Apple ( iPads,iPhones, accounts). We asked our contact and we got a 6 weeks time limit to create our accounts. It took some negotiation and persuasion, to explain why we need (4000 accounts 😉). But then it went smoothly without any hitch for the six weeks. It's free of charge!!


Try a new browser with cookies cleared on another place. The error is mostly related to the issue of IP address. Apple thought there were multiple accounts being created and you are abusing the registration system. If possible, do this on a mobile network with your phone.

AdmiralKirk This person is a Verified Professional
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Apr 30, 2021 at 16:47 UTC

Hi folks,

I finally got back to working on this, new employee coming on board.  I tried from my local PC again and again with the instant failure.  I then went to an out-of-band machine and had immediate success.  Now that I've done this I still don't have an answer, because it could be a firewall issue or could be Apple being stupid.

I have another employee to onboard today, my next test will be to create the account from PC that somehow bypasses any firewall limitations but still goes out via our public IP.  Hopefully this will give me the definitive answer on whether the problem is firewall or Apple.

kevinmcox This person is a Verified Professional
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May 1, 2021 at 16:51 UTC

It does make me curious what workflow you have that requires creating a consumer AppleID for every new employee.

AdmiralKirk This person is a Verified Professional
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May 3, 2021 at 15:20 UTC

We are using a free MDM and the free level does not allow us to manage the phones in Apple's 'enterprise' mode, and it just has not been a high enough priority to justify the financial investment.  So, in order to get anything installed onto the phones I need to create our users' AppleIDs.  I didn't say it is perfect, but it's what I have.

Regardless, if I didn't create the AppleID, said employees would be sitting next to me on their first day creating them.  So the end result relevant to today's problem remains unchanged.  Is it our firewall, or is it Apple?  I have another couple of employees starting over the next week so will be doing the next test.

kevinmcox This person is a Verified Professional
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May 3, 2021 at 16:56 UTC

As someone mentioned above, Apple rate limits IP addresses from creating a bunch of AppleIDs since that isn't a legitimate consumer workflow. My bet is you are hitting that.

The only thing I can think of that is meant by "enterprise mode" is that your MDM doesn't support VPP.

Mosyle is only $1 per device per month so very affordable to get things managed properly.

AdmiralKirk This person is a Verified Professional
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May 5, 2021 at 23:52 UTC

I had the chance to test this today as I created another user.  I connected my laptop to a network that went through our firewall but had no rules and goes out on the same IP as the production network, and was able to create the Apple ID without a problem.

This means the road block is in the firewall.  I'm going to jump over to the firewall/Sophos group and see if anyone there can get me a nudge forward.

Thanks everyone for your input and help.

How To Fix Cannot Create Apple Id


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